Rental fees
Our Managed Lease fee is 12% exclusive of VAT. This is calculated per month for the term of the lease and payable monthly. (R20 000 X 12= R240 000) (12% OF R240 000) is R28 800 ÷ 12 = R2400 + Vat per month.
Our fee includes the following services
• Inspecting and taking photos of your property.
• Advertising in our office, on our website and online through various property websites we are registered with.
• Going through our rental portfolio of “vetted” tenants and matching them to your property.
• Arrange viewing for potential tenants.
• Getting all potential tenants to fill out our Application to rent form which allows us to not only do a full Tran’s union credit check but also a full reference check with regards to employment as well as current and past Landlords/Agents.
• Securing a holding deposit.
• Securing the tenant and arranging them to sign the lease, supply copies of relevant documentation that we might need. E.g. ID documents etc
• Making copies of the Lease for you.
• Arranging for the deposit to be put into an interest bearing account or our trust account (if need be).
• Doing a full “defects” list with the tenant in the first week of them moving in.
• Collecting each month’s rental and paying it across to you once our fee has been deducted.
• Calculating and paying your monthly rates bill to the City of Cape Town if needed
• Doing inspections on your property.
• Attending to and organizing any maintenance issues that might arise.
• Doing an annual maintenance/condition report for your records.
• Providing you will a monthly reconciliation.
• We will liaise with your tenant directly.
Our Unmanaged Lease fee is 6% exclusive of VAT. This is calculated over the term of the lease and payable upfront. Example – R20 000 monthly rent X 12 month lease= R240 000) (6% OF R240 000) is R14 400 + Vat. An additional 3% exclusive of VAT is charged in year 2 should the tenant renew the lease.
Our fee includes the following services
• Inspecting and taking photos of your property.
• Advertising in our office, on our website and online through various property websites we are registered with.
• Going through our rental portfolio of “vetted” tenants and matching them to your property.
• Arrange viewing for potential tenants.
• Getting all potential tenants to fill out our Application to rent form which allows us to not only do a full Tran’s union credit check but also a full reference check with regards to employment as well as current and past Landlords/Agents.
• Securing a holding deposit.
• Securing the tenant and arranging them to sign the lease, supply copies of relevant documentation that we might need. E.g. ID documents etc
• Making copies of the Lease for you.
• Arranging for the deposit to be put into an interest bearing account or our trust account (if need be).
• Collecting the first month’s rental and paying it across to you once our fee has been deducted.
• Doing a full “defects” list with the tenant in the first week of them moving in and supplying you with the report.